From Funemployment to Fulfillment

Life Update and Soft Launching "A Year to Live" Cohort

Listen to audio episode here.

From Funemployment to Fulfillment

What's up, y'all? Happy Monday! I’m back with the first episode of new season of the Art 2 Heart podcast.

It's been a while since I've released or created an episode. I haven't made a new episode in over a year. The last two episodes were released in August and December of last year, and I'm ready for some new stuff.

I originally started this podcast when I had more creative energy than I knew what to do with. I had just quit my job, was writing a lot, and was honestly obsessed with any and all poetry shop talk. So, I made a podcast to do that.

I'm really proud of the first season I put together. I taught myself how to do everything from A to Z. It was a big learning curve and a learning process, but I had so much fun doing it. I want to thank everyone who's been along for the ride so far.

This last year and the first season was a big learning process—trying to figure out my way without knowing what I was doing. It was fun, and I'm so appreciative and grateful for every single listen and download. I still get email updates about people listening to them, and it's always so much fun to see

What I Learned from Season 1 of Art 2 Heart

The first big takeaway outside of learning how to do a podcast was that I was afraid of taking center stage on my own show.

I realized that I was hiding behind my guests. I loved the conversations I had but didn't have the confidence to put myself front and center, even though I was putting in all the effort and was excited to talk about the topics.

When it came to making clips or marketing on social media, I tended to hide behind my guests. I don't need to do that anymore. This next season will mostly be solo episodes. There's a lot on my mind and heart that I've learned over the last few years that I would love to share. I'll still have interviews here and there, but I’m no longer hiding behind my guests.

I also learned that I was more focused on the bells and whistles than making consistently good content. Ultimately, I burnt myself out. I had unrealistic expectations that were exhausting me. I stepped away when I realized that I no longer had the right intention for it. Now, I feel like I'm in a better place. There might be a rebrand coming soon, but I'm starting this podcast as is. If there's a rebrand along the way, I'll fill you in.

Life Update - Career Shift and New Purpose

I originally started this podcast in 2022 after quitting my sales job in May 2022 to pursue my writing and creative spirit. It's been the most magical two years of my life. I had about a year and a half of funemployment, where I was traveling, had savings, and gave myself permission not to worry about needing a new job. I really committed to finding myself, finding my voice, and unleashing my creative expression, which had been muted for so long.

Last summer, I started volunteering with a friend, Artie, who served a former life sentence in prison and continues to go back and volunteer every month with a nonprofit called ReEvolution. I joined him to share poems with the guys and fell in love with the experience of being with a group of men behind bars. Their commitment to becoming better humans, taking accountability for their mistakes, and honoring their victims was incredibly inspiring.

One of the guys suggested I look into a facilitator role with an organization called Defy Ventures, which I did. Funny enough, it was the same role I had turned down when I first got out of the Peace Corps in 2017 because it wasn't the right time for me. But now, it was. I got the job, and it turned into a full-time position within a month, which has been one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences of my life.

I now teach three cohorts in two maximum security facilities in California, covering entrepreneurship and career readiness. We teach that business is the best way to self-empowerment and agency. It’s a beautiful vehicle for learning self-development tools like self-analysis, empathy, conflict management, and dealing with rejections. At the end of the course, participants have a Shark Tank-like pitch opportunity to win seed money for their business ideas. Working with these men has helped me find my voice as a leader, a voice of conviction, belonging, and purpose. I've learned what real love, acceptance, and grace truly require—putting aside biases and focusing on seeing the divine in everyone.

While working on my book about butterflies, ancestry, and generational trauma, I discovered that my journey also led me to become a death doula. Helping guide people through end-of-life transitions has been transformative.

As a death doula, I provide non-medical support for emotional, spiritual, mental, and logistical needs around end-of-life planning. The biggest lesson I've learned is that death is a teacher—just like anything else in life. Meeting our mortality head-on reveals profound wisdom and beauty.

A Year to Live

How did I get to this point? One of the biggest steps I took was signing up for a year-long class called "A Year to Live," based on a book by Stephen Levine.

The premise is that living with the idea of having just a year left sharpens your focus and helps you identify what’s truly important.

I started this on March 7, 2023, and pretended that I would die on March 7, 2024. This exercise helped me get to the very bottom of what was important to me, mostly centering on service and family. Volunteering and reconnecting with loved ones became my focus. Even though I faced fears about actually dying as March 2024 approached, I learned that it was more about the intention behind living this way.

I’m offering to guide others through this transformative experience. Starting in September, I’m inviting you to join me and a group of awesome people for a year of living with your mortality. We’ll meet monthly to discuss how this process is transforming us—destroying parts ready to let go and building up the new parts we’ve been dreaming of.

If you’re interested, stay tuned, and subscribe to my newsletters for updates. Thank you all so much for listening and reading. If you have any thoughts or topics you want me to cover, reach out to me through email, Instagram, or text if you have my number. I’m excited to start making new episodes regularly again.

Have a beautiful day!

Note: We will be using the book "A Year to Live" by Stephen Levine as a guide throughout this journey. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates and stay tuned for more information. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey! --- David Morin